A Restful Sabbath, Part 4
OK, last week we talked about why we celebrate Sabbath, now let's start on how.
We are commanded to rest on the Sabbath. We try not to set strict specific rules for what constitutes rest. The Pharisees did, and drew Christ's stern correction (Matthew 12:1-45). In our home, we clean house on Saturday in preparation for Sabbath that evening. We also have a good meal that night; preferrably one that requires preparation during the day, to increase the anticipation. We begin the meal with the Kiddush, which is the Jewish prayer over the bread and wine. Mom starts by lighting candles, signifying God having created light first. She says,
"Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, Who brings forth light out of darkness."
We pass around a piece of bread (usually homemade! :d -that's a yummy face-) breaking off a chunk. When everyone has a piece, Dad leads in saying,
"Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth."
Then we eat it. Next, everyone raises their cup of wine (or grape juice) and Dad leads again,
"Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, Who brings forth the fruit of the vine." Then, we drink.
Then...the meal; and Sabbath has begun!
Part of that sound familiar? Sound like communion service at your church? Jesus was very purposeful when He picked the symbolism of the bread and wine as His body and blood. He knew all Jews would recognize exactly what He was saying: "I am the Lord of the Sabbath!" No more did men have to toil to keep all the Law! Jesus fulfilled the Law, so now is the time of rest! Rest in His forgiveness! Rest in His love! Rest in the knowledge of His perfect work completed for us on the cross!
Now is the time of rest!