
Friday, August 18, 2006

Pop psyche

Just finished reading "All God's Children and Blue Suede Shoes" by Kenneth Myers. Besides having one of the coolest book titles ever, it was a great confirmation for me, for something that the Lord worked in my heart several years ago.

Side note for encouragement: Reading books that confirm your ideologies is great, but don't let that be the only reason you read. Getting positive strokes from professional authors can be addictive, but I would encourage you to balance your reading with books that you know you do not agree with. This accomplishes two goals: 1) If you read with prayer and an open mind, you may find some long-held convictions that are unbiblical and it may require you to change your heart to align it with Father's will (not a bad result!). 2) If, while reading, you discern that your conviction is more in line with Scripture than the material you are reading, then the investment of learning the opposing point of view will help you in future discussions to present your case more knowledgably and more convincingly. Nothing is more frustrating in a debate than to hear, "Well, that's just what I believe!" You want to counter with, "I don't give a rat's tail what you believe, substantiate what you're saying!"

Whew! Sorry, that was a separate post in itself wasn't it? Anyway, the premise of this book is not to talk about how decadent our culture has become (duh!), but how the very essence of popular culture is anathema to an intellectually stimulating lifestyle. The last chapter is the part that rang with familiar truth for me. He likens the partaking in popular culture with "eating meat offered to idols" that Paul talks about in I Corinthians 10. For those who are under the idol's authority, eating meat is a sin. For those of us who have been set free from all authority but Christ's, it is not a's just meat. This was a life-giving revelation for me many years ago. I had gone through a hedonistic stage, to a if-it's-not-overtly-Christian-it's-from-the-pit stage, to a confused stage becuase I really liked Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix! Now, I guess I'm a Christian hedonist (nods to John Piper).

All things are ultimately under the authority of the Sovereign God. Tomorrow I'll talk about how all things glorify Him as we prepare for Sabbath.


At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post, Jeff! Love the likening of pop culture to meat sacrificed to idols. That will become a part of our venacular for certain!

Have you read Total Truth by Nancy Pearcy? Hubby and I started it together awhile back and some how got distracted -- I need to get it out again. It is sort of about this idea, how all things can be done for the glory of God through a Biblical Worldview, without having to be "Christian."

One of the reasons I used to be so opposed to homeschooling was looking at some of the Christian math books that said ridiculous things such as "Count the Pharisees in this picture!" I thought, math is math. We don't have to make it so Christian-y, and Christians who have to have a Christian version of everything can be so...weird, ya know? (ever seen some of the crazy X-ian things spotlighted on -- I think this guy is on John Piper's church staff!) Now, however, (special thanks to your wife's friend Michelle Miller), I see Math as God's domain -- beautiful, Holy, perfect, and powerful! Math is awesome, and it is so because it reflects an awesome God! And I can teach Math to my children as a way to reveal God's greatness, without counting any pharisees. I guess I am rambling, not sure if this makes sense!

Anyway, my husband and I have been blessed by your new blog, and I am always blessed by your wife's words on Choosing Home or the TruthQuest list!

At 11:30 AM, Blogger Jeff C said...


Thanks for the comment! I have not read Total Truth, but Dawn has just started on it. After your recomendation, I'll pick it up as soon as she's done.

Glad to hear my nerdy nattering has been a blessing to you and the Mister. I'm always surprised by that until I remember the story of Balaam. If God can speak through a donkey once, He can do it again and again!


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