
Friday, August 11, 2006

Back to the Future

A quick thought while we're in the midst of doing peaches:

One of the more ominous practices in 1984 is history revision. There is an entire governmental ministry dedicated to changing news articles, official records and the like to make governmental prognostications come true, eliminate the memory of subversive individuals or change facts to create alternate current realities (such as changing the name of the country we are at war with so it appears we have always been at war with that country). Once again, today's academic says,"Well, we'll be watching for THAT trick. They can't change history on us. We can't be fooled!"

Try this: We are coming up on the five year anniversary of Sept. 11. This will be an occasion for much reflection, remorse and revilement from both the left and the right. The hyper-patriotism of those first few months has dissipated into the deluge of Bush-bashing we are swimming in today. No one today seems to remember that in the several weeks before our invasion of Iraq, the United Nations had near-unanimous support for coalition military action in Iraq; link follows: Today, what you hear is that Bush acted alone; this is Bush's war; poor Saddam, teh Iraqis were better off before, etc.

To clarify: I am neither a Bush-basher nor a Bush sycophant. The president has made two enormous errors in the execution of this action. I may expound on them in a later blog, but the point I want to focus on today is: as we train up our children, teach them to read and listen with an open and discerning mind-remembering what has come before and evaluating what is transpiring now. Remember, men, we are training them up to be upright citizens of Heaven; walking in love, peace, wisdom and truth--not cogs in the machine, sloughing toward conformity.


At 9:19 PM, Blogger Jeff C said...

Indeed, and trying to convince the intelligentsia of historical (or scientific) truth is like talking to a brick. Thanks for the comment.

My kids love Narniaweb, btw.


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