
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tending Your Garden

Currently listening to: "Tending Your Garden" from the Basement Tape series, R. C. Sproul, Jr. and the Highland Study Center.

What a great concept! The mandate to take dominion was not just for Eden. As sons of God, we are to take up our hoes and cultivate the garden that Father has providentially put us in. What impacted me about this is that it says to tend "YOUR garden". There is no mention of poking your nose over the fence and criticizing the other guy's garden. Now, as one of the discussion members pointed out, "Of course, if a wildfire is threatening your garden, then I'm going to get involved and help you tend to it!" Otherwise, I think we would be wise to treat this as similar to the speck-in-your-eye/plank-in- mine issue. Be more concerned with the weeds in your garden than with those in your neighbors'. Do not compare height of corn stalks or plumpness of tomatoes. When your neighbor elatedly exclaims to you that he's finally grown a nice looking stalk of broccoli, do not ridicule him because your broccoli won the state spelling bee. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Iron sharpening iron. Sharing successes and failures, tools and methods for loving our wives and raising a crop of kids.

Gotta go pull some weeds.


At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weeds to pull or fertilizer to spread?? :)

Isn't it amazing how the old cliches still have some life in them? When they talk about the grass being greener on the other side, what a good reminder for us to not waste time comparing one's garden with anyone else's, huh?

At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It occurs to me this morning that we grow stranger things in our garden then most people do. Hmmm, what does that say of the caretakers of the garden, I wonder?

At 8:29 PM, Blogger Jeff C said...

You know, you can claim anonymity for only so long. You can't fool me,though...

At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have the faintest idea what you mean, Dear.... I mean Mister.

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


Dear Jeff (and "dear"),

Glad you're enjoying Tending Your Garden. Did you know it's now available for purchase online in the Highlands Store?

Jim Bob


At 7:02 PM, Blogger Jeff C said...

Jim Bob,

Plug away with impunity! We have been so blessed by The Basement Tapes over the last year (and have foisted them on our friends) that I will happily offer my blog space to promote them!


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