
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Author

To follow up on yesterday's post: We homeschool our children, and we do it in a rather unconventional way. We do not compartmentalize our time (see Jim Bush's blog and comments) into "school time" and "all other" time. We view all time as school time. God does not have a scheduled time to teach us, why should we restrict the teaching of our children? We try to stay attentive all day for opportunities to point out the hand of Father in creation, in human interaction, in events and structures. If God is the Author of all things, as mentioned in yesterday's post, then He is the Creator of art, mathematics, history, particle physics, and anything else we can study. As R. C. Sproul, Jr. says, "We know that 2+2=4 because it's Jesus' 2 and Jesus' 2 and Jesus' 4!" It is our job as caretakers of this planet and specifically of our children to show them how Father resides in all things! This will give them (and us!) a sense of security and responsibility knowing that from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.


At 11:17 AM, Blogger Crystal Starr said...

AMEN!!!!! I agree, I agree!

We do not compartmentalize our time (see Jim Bush's blog and comments) into "school time" and "all other" time. We view all time as school time. God does not have a scheduled time to teach us, why should we restrict the teaching of our children?

You know I do say "school time" but really what you just said here is my heart and what is truth to me!!!

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog!! I was going to warn Dawn about the spinning on the forum but then lazy came to visit and got the better of me. I KNEW that she would get dizzy though (I did too, hehehe)! But ya I LURVE AIH, they are just SOOO fun and they put on a pretty fun concert too!!

Scott doesn't write reviews for a living he does it for a hobby. I just wanted to clarify that. I'm sure he wishes it was his job and that he could just listen to music all day (which he does) and write about it AND get paid for it. =o) He is actually an Architectural Millwork Engineer. =)


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