
Saturday, September 16, 2006

Back to the Beginning...

(Composed 16 Sept) first post! The title: The Future is Now. Subject: the book 1984. Specifically, the concept of the masses being told what to think, feel, hate and love. As my beautiful wife and I were driving today, planning and processing (see last post), we noticed another parallel between the 1984 world of Orwell and the 2006 world of George Bush, Bill Gates and Oprah. We were grocery shopping at the busiest time of the week to do so...Saturday morning! It occurred to us the masses' malleability is manifested in many paradigms. F'r instance, why shop on Saturday morning? It is the most convenient time to do so if you send your children to public school, involve them in sports and other after-school activities, and attend church at the prescribed times (Sun AM, Sun PM and Wed PM). What time slot is left for errands? Correct: Saturday morning. Yet even though we have never sent our littles to government school (a more accurate moniker)-nor the extracurricular accoutrements-and do not attend public church, we continue to fill the Saturday AM slot with the prescribed activity: grocery shopping! Why? Because we are conditioned to do so! Pavlov would be proud. Orwell is not spinning, but grinning in his grave.

My challenge to you this week is to challenge your thinking. Why do you and your family do the things you do when you do them? ...where you do them? you do them? Can you tweak even the mundane tasks to better suit and serve your family's needs so you are more ready to serve the Kingdom at a moment's notice? Think about it. Pray about it. Share with me what Father reveals to you. I will continue to share the same.

*Please forgive my tardiness -nay, neglect- in posting. We have been deluged with information, revelation, and transformation regarding entrepreneurship. Father is doing something in us and it is big. Please pray for our receptivity and obedience.


At 1:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Though one of my Bible College teachers said that the book was written by Satan (sigh--true), 1984 is quite possibly my favorite book written by humans. The impact of what that books says is...reverberating, for lack of a better term.


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