Provision takes many forms
This process of transition into...whatever it is that Father is taking us to...has been a real trip. There are times He has spoken so clearly to me, I've turned my head expecting to see a physical manifestation or something. No...I'm not kidding! I've heard weird words from Him with a frequency and clarity I've not had since my Pentecostal days! (Yes, I -rather, we- went through a Pentecostal phase; but that's the subject of another blog). Knowing that He's leading us into a lifestyle of entrepreneurialism, provision is a BIG issue for me. Yes, I know lilies of the field and sparrows and all that, but how will I get my bills paid? You see what a hard head He's up against when He speaks to me? Maybe this is why He feels the need to speak so clearly: to get His word through my thick melon! Anyway, I want to share one weird thing He's doing right now to demonstrate His provision for me:
I've been at my job for seven and a half years now. Since my job pays a small hourly wage, but a substantial rate bonus, they almost treat us like subcontract labor; e.g., there are certain tools we are responsible for ourselves. Generally, these are hand tools; expensive power tools and consumable tools are provided by the company. I have one particular consumable tool that I use with regularity. I have two of this tool and I use both every day. On average, this tool lasts about a week before it needs replacing. Sometimes, I've had this tool last 6 or 8 weeks; sometimes only a few hours! The tools I have right now are different color, so they were not made from the same lot run, perhaps even made from different manufacturers, even though I obtained them on the same day.
Now, here comes the weird part: That day was sometime in February!!! Can you say, "Their shoes did not wear out in the desert?" Now, I want to reiterate: I do not pay for these tools, so the issue is not corporeal provision. It profits me nothing in the physical realm for these tools to go on working. God is doing this simply for my spiritual benefit!!! The only purpose here is to boost my faith! And what a blessing that He has opened my eyes to see this as a miracle on my behalf! How easy would it be for me to say to myself, "Huh! I haven't changed these tools in 9 months. How 'bout that.", and forget about it? And if it were not for the kindness of God opening my eyes, that is exactly where I would be!
Men, Father is doing the miraculous in your life every day! Look for it! Recognize it! Give Him the glory for it! And tell others (including me!) about it, so we can be blessed, too!